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Brain Injuries: When Auto Accident Symptoms Do Not Improve

Robert Louis Armstrong Personal Injury Attorney March 16, 2017

If you’re in a serious automobile accident, it’s normal to feel a little out of focus and disoriented at first. But if those symptoms are severe and don’t improve quickly, you might have suffered a traumatic brain injury.

There are several ways traumatic brain injury can happen in a car accident, like if your head hits the steering wheel or windshield. You can also suffer a brain injury if you’re ejected and your head hits the pavement.

What Types of Brain Injuries Are There?

Generally, brain injuries can be broken down into two categories: closed head injury and open head injury.

A closed head injury could include the following:

  • Concussions – This is a mild brain injury that involves slight swelling of the brain.  The brain is typically able to recover from a concussion, but not always, and sometimes the concussion can cause brain damage if it is severe.

  • Mass Lesions – This could include bruising (contusions), blood clots (hematoma), and bleeding of the brain (hemorrhaging). All of these put more pressure on your fragile brain.

  • Diffuse Injuries – Diffuse injuries are tiny injuries that are dispersed throughout your brain in different places. They’re often hard to find and can end in brain damage.  

What Are the Signs of A Traumatic Brain Injury?

Your brain is responsible for the following functions, among several others:

  • Attention and concentration.

  • Processing and comprehending information.

  • Remembering things

  • Communicating with others

  • Planning, sorting, and putting things together

  • Reasoning skills, problem-solving, making decisions, and judgment.

  • Impulse control, patience

If you’ve suffered a brain injury, you might have issues with attention, concentration, talking, comprehending and remembering, or a host of other areas.  

Do you find yourself with any of the following problems?

  • Restlessness, unable to sit still

  • Easily distracted, unable to multitask or finish even one project

  • Issues with talking to people for long periods of time

  • Having trouble coming up with the right word

  • Trouble starting or following conversations or understanding what others say.

  • Rambling or straying off-topic

  • Difficulty organizing your thoughts.

  • Trouble with nonverbal communication, unable to show facial expressions

  • Unable to understand or respond correctly to other people’s nonverbal communication.

  • Not understanding jokes or sarcastic remarks

If someone was negligent in causing your brain injury, you are entitled to compensation in several areas. A good personal injury attorney will go after the responsible party for the following, depending on the circumstances of your case:

  • Medical bills, both current and future

  • Rehabilitation and long-term medical care

  • Lost income and lowered earning capacity

  • Damage to your property

  • Pain and suffering

If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury because of an accident, contact Robert Armstrong’s office today for help.