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Secure Future

Personal Injury Life Care Plans Explained

Robert Louis Armstrong Personal Injury Attorney Feb. 22, 2017

There’s nothing that can prepare you for the moment when an accident causes devastating injuries to you or your loved one. But thanks to significant developments in the legal field, there are a number of things you can do after the accident to make sure you lead the best life possible.

That’s where personal injury life care plans come in.

What Are Catastrophic Life Care Plans?

Life care plans are complex tools that are used to plan for a number of issues that arise after a serious injury, such as:

  • Specific medical care needs based on professional standards

  • Permanent physical or mental impairments

  • The high cost of care that might be needed

  • The length of time the victim will need care

It’s a holistic, long-term approach to living life after a catastrophic accident.

What Services Are Offered Through Life Care Plans?

Often, it takes an attorney who’s experienced in this specialized approach to personal injury care.

The attorney can help with several complex areas of the legal field:

  • Injury litigation

  • Estate settlement

  • Medical malpractice and medical negligence cases

  • Expert witnesses

  • Finding all available benefits, both public and private, including Medicaid, Medicare and other public entitlements.

What Kind of Things Will Life Care Plans Consider?

When you’ve been seriously injured in an accident, you can’t possibly be expected to know everything you might need to care for yourself or your loved one, things like:

  • Wheelchairs

  • Ramps

  • Alterations to your house or vehicle

  • Nurses (both skilled and non-skilled)

  • Maintenance to your home

It takes medical experts, attorneys, economists, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, life care planners, financial planners, and a host of other professionals to best determine your post-accident future.

What Questions Need to Be Answered when Executing a Life Care Plan?

In order to implement an effective life care plan for you or your loved one, some questions will have to be answered:

  • What is the victim’s overall condition?

  • What goods and services will the patient need to ensure a high quality of life?

  • How much will those goods and services cost in the long run?

It’s important to note that life care plans have three components:

  • Objective facts

  • Opinions about the best course of action

  • Conclusions based on the facts and opinions

These facts, opinions and conclusions will be based on medical records, personal interviews, examinations, and much more.

If you or your loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident, Robert Armstrong can help. Contact him today.