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Should You Handle Your Own Personal Injury Claim or Hire a Lawyer?

Robert Louis Armstrong Personal Injury Attorney Aug. 4, 2017

It’s the moment no one is waiting for. You’re on your way to somewhere important, and then you get injured in a car accident.

What to do now? Do you hire a lawyer? Do you settle the claim on your own? These are complicated questions. There are a few benefits to settling the claim yourself if it’s a very minor accident with very little injury involved, but even in those cases, taking the case on your own without the guidance of an attorney is risky.

Saving the money on legal fees could end up costing you more in the end if you don’t have an experienced advocate handling all the convoluted details and advocating on your behalf. Keep in mind that an insurance company has lots of lawyers on staff who are trained to figure out how to pay you the least amount of money possible.

When Should You Hire an Attorney for A Personal Injury Claim?

It’s imperative that you hire a personal injury attorney if you have the following conditions:

  • Severe injuries

  • Expensive medical bills

  • Lost wages because of time off work and other factors caused by your injuries

How Are Your Injuries Measured?

So, you’ve been injured, but you don’t know if they’re considered severe. That’s one sign that you should consult with an attorney. Here’s how your injuries are measured:

  • What type of injury did you suffer? (Head injury, traumatic brain injury, broken bone, coma, etc.)

  • How long did it take you to recover?

  • How much do your medical bills cost? Will there be other medical costs in the future because of this injury?

  • Is your injury long-term? One that lasts for a year or longer? Have you been permanently disabled and are no longer able to work?

  • How has your quality of life been impacted by this accident and injury?

These are all factors that will determine the severity of your injury in terms of an insurance claim, and the more serious the injuries, the more complicated the case gets.

What Can Insurance Companies Do to Try to Avoid Paying You?

Without a lawyer, insurance companies have several methods for denying you what you are owed. These include:

  • Disputed liability – This happens when an insurance company disputes the liability of the person you are filing a claim against. In other words, the insurance company can claim that the person they insure is not at fault, or they can say that there’s not enough evidence to prove otherwise.

  • Refusal of payment – This can be different than disputed liability. Sometimes, the insurance company will refuse to offer a settlement amount, instead forcing you to sue them and take them to court. Without a lawyer, you will have to represent yourself in a civil claim.

For all of these reasons and more, if you are injured in an automobile accident, it’s best that you consult with an experienced personal injury attorney like Robert Armstrong. Contact his office today.